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Healthcare Affiliates and Partner​ships
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BELGIUM, March 10, 2021 - Thorney Advisors partners with Andaman7, a Belgian-American eHealth company to bring solutions to significantly improve communication between doctors and patients and empowering them to work efficiently together. With a team of software engineers and medical specialists Andaman7 is focused on improving healthcare for everyone.
Patients: Your health records at your fingertips!
Patients: Your health records at your fingertips!
Partner with Andaman7 to tackle the COVID-19 crisis
Partner with Andaman7 to tackle the COVID-19 crisis
Life Science: Decentralized clinical trials eConsent included
Life Science: Decentralized clinical trials eConsent included
Strategic Sprint
Strategic Sprint
What will your organization look like post-COVID-19? If you aren't thinking about it, don't delay. As you review what went right and where vulnerabilities raised concerns and presented challenges in 2020-2021, a robust strategic roadmap for succession planning, infrastructure sustainability, and resource planning requires a sober review.
- Maintaining a COVID-19 free workplace.
- Review of employee benefits which aligned with a virtual workforce.
- Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Planning with pandemic as a new threat.
- Leveraging technology partners to ensure rapid redeployment while minimizing your security risks.
- Resource planning to ensure essential functions have the support, development and certifications required to minimize operational disruption.
- Client relationship management - how would your clients score your 2020 performance?
- Take a fresh look at your digital strategy, and if you don't have one, start reaching out to experts to enrich your strategic planning.
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