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Unlock the Power of Digital Success

Welcome to Thorney Advisors committed to helping clients and strategic partners navigate changing markets, customer expectations and evolving technologies.





Advisory for Leaders

What is the CxO's new strategy for transformation?


Is your customer at the center of your services and revenue strategy?  What considerations have you made for enabling meaningful data analytics at the center of understanding your capital expenditure and operating expenses?


Do you need to refresh your data strategy and governance and how quickly does your organization adopt to change?


Are you coaching your leadership team or is it business as usual?


What does success really look like across your organization?


We Can Help...



Transformation for Growth

Is your sustainability in lock step with your growth strategy and supply chain?

What your company needs transformation - new growth, new products, services or business model?


Digital customer service has become increasingly crucial in today’s business landscape. To enhance customer satisfaction, consider the following strategies:


  1. Understand Customer Journeys:

    • Identify common customer touchpoints and pain points.

    • Map out the end-to-end journey to pinpoint areas for improvement.

    • Use data analytics to gain insights into customer behavior and preferences.

  2. Offer Multichannel Support

What's Your Strategy?

How are you driving value in your business?

To be an effective C-suite and business leader, you must drive value creation across your organization.  The demands of an every changing and complex environment calls for  setting and executing a strategy to optimize value.  Easier said than done!

  • How do you  redefining your  organization’s purpose, set strategic directives while navigating an ever complex customer and market dynamic?
  • Is transformation the answer to embracing disruptive innovation in your  sector?

We can help deliver long-term value across your organization with our commitment to bringing pragmatic yet creative thinking to deliver real results. 

  • Is the right strategy to an end-to-end digital transformations the right investment for your organization?
  • What do you enable, defining, implement and ultimately optimize in organic growth strategies into your business model?
  • How is your market changing and how fast are you adopting?
  • When was the last time you refreshed your Maturity Plan?
  • How are you solving your talent pool challenges?
  • Do you have the right incentives  embedded in your organizations performance management structure?
  • ​

Our Services

Our Services empowers customers to identify new opportunities, fully leverage their core competencies and achieve their business objectives. Our experts include medical doctors, payor and providers executives, lean Six Sigma practitioners, engineers, designers, data scientists, business managers, entrepreneurs, and technologists. 

Our goals is to apply their talents to complex and important challenges. We help companies confirm compliance, enhance sustainability, manage transparency, deliver quality and performance, strengthen security, protect brand reputation, build delivery excellence, and advance innovation.

Our Experts

Our experts bring a wealth of expertise which include advisory services, management consulting, proposal development, market insights and analytics, education and training, auditing and testing, automation assessment, and outcomes management to reduce administrative, medical and operational costs. 


Our executive advisors are well positioned to help you craft corporate strategy, develop strategic roadmaps and implementation frameworks which are fundamental to success. Our advisors actively connect influential business leaders with portfolio company leadership to share expertise in targeted industries globally across business and technology disciplines.  




Smart Strategic Alliances

Strategic Ecosystem

Let us help you bring in qualified partners, increase process efficiency, and improve program, scalability and capabilities.



Business Intelligence

Data-driven Decisions

Innovation & Performance

Let us help you tap your full innovation potential in product research, design, and development.






Risk Management 

Transformation Playbook

Let us help you with your next IT corporate initiative supplying the right consulting and technical resources and expertise.


Trusted Advisory Leaders

Business Solutions

Specializing in custom business solutions and advanced functionality development.

Powering Business Solutions

Microsoft Power Platform - low code solutions

TA Solutions launches the Custom Application practice to support client "Proof of Concept" initiatives leveraging Microsoft Power Platform tools to reduce your administration and increase profitability when you automate your business processes - time tracking, program and project portfolio management and more.  



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